World design capital

Design community initiative - San Diego

Role: Actively involved with development and strategy

Initiated by the Design forward alliance to build a hub for the design community of San Diego, Baja California and Tijuana. The goal is to bid and earn the title of the world design capital by 2024 and be part of the international community of WDO.

Scale SD (Smart city accelerator)

Non-profit organization - San Diego

Role: Member of the braintrust group to apply design thinking, community outreach and business development

SCALE San Diego sits at the hub of private industry, public organizations, academia, and the City of San Diego. The mission is to bridge the gap between urban challenges and technology by relying on the best talent and technology tools.

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Education, Arts and culture initiative - Dubai

Role: Co-founder, facilitator, developed design thinking programs, exhibits and workshops

This initiative was a collaboration with Prof. Joanne Pereira and Prof. Sohail dahdal and in association with the British Council in Dubai. The goal was to address the city’s fear of losing its identity and local heritage due to the influences of other cultures. Our target audience was primarily local Emirati youth. We ran programs based on design thinking to create prototypes that highlighted or were an homage to the Arab heritage but were still relevant in the present. The platform gave young designers a voice and the ability to publicize their work. 
